Hello and welcome to my Freakazoid! page. Sorry I haven't updated my page for a couple of months (I've been busy with schoolwork...ugh)...but I hope to make a few additions soon. Anyway...here you'll find some basic info about the show, pics, sound clips, and some videos. This page is a work in progress...more things are on the way...so check back soon...and don't forget to scroll on down and sign my guestbook!

So, what is this Freakazoid thing anyway?

Freakazoid! is a Warner Brothers cartoon about an incredibly goofy superhero who was created when a computer nerd named Dexter was surfing the internet and got sucked into it. He fights crime in his own way...primarily by acting silly. The show was dumped by WB after a season and a half. Until recently, it was aired on the Cartoon Network at 7:00pm Eastern time on weeknights. Most of the episodes are laugh-out-loud funny (if you have the right sense of humor)...and are filled with silliness, topical jokes, and cultural references ranging from Seinfeld to Monty Python to obscure B-movies.

Freak is back! He can be seen on CN Friday nights at 11:30pm, and Saturday afternoons at 1:30pm. Here's the CN address if you would like to suggest they create new episodes! (Just remember to be polite).

The Cartoon Network
1050 Techwood Dr. NW
Atlanta, GA 30318

Now for the fun stuff...
[Pictures] [Sounds] [Videos]

*Pics, sounds, and videos courtesy of the WB site on AOL.

If you want to contact me for any reason, drop me an email at: koshka08@ix.netcom.com OR Detroitr14@aol.com or scroll down and sign my guestbook!

Links to other Freakazoid sites

The Hall of Freakmobiles -- a good text based site with a plethora of information about the show (including an Episode Guide and a Cultural Reference Guide).
D.E.X.T.E.R. -- The Save Freakazoid FAQ. Includes info about what Freakazoid fans can do to help keep the show alive, as well as letter-writing tips.
The Freakalair -- a great Freakazoid site with lots of info, links, pics, and sounds...it makes my site look really lame.

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This Freakazoid Web Ring is owned by Jennifer Bridges

Please, let me know you were here...sign my guestbook! It'll make me feel better than a nice tub of good things!

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If you want to know a bit about me for some reason, you can visit my cheesy little homepage

You are Freakaphile #:

to visit my page since 6/28/98

Last updated: Dec. 17, 1998

Freakazoid! is copyright Warner Bros...I am in no way associated with Warner Bros...this is simply a fan page.

I love roadrunners
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Jennifer Bridges.

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