Hello and welcome to my Freakazoid! page. Sorry I haven't updated my page for a couple of months (I've been busy with schoolwork...ugh)...but I hope to make a few additions soon. Anyway...here you'll find some basic info about the show, pics, sound clips, and some videos. This page is a work in progress...more things are on the way...so check back soon...and don't forget to scroll on down and sign my guestbook!
So, what is this Freakazoid thing anyway?
Freakazoid! is a Warner Brothers cartoon about an incredibly goofy superhero who was created when a computer nerd named Dexter was surfing the internet and got sucked into it. He fights crime in his own way...primarily by acting silly. The show was dumped by WB after a season and a half. Until recently, it was aired on the Cartoon Network at 7:00pm Eastern time on weeknights. Most of the episodes
are laugh-out-loud funny (if you have the right sense of humor)...and are filled with silliness, topical jokes, and cultural references ranging from Seinfeld to Monty Python to obscure B-movies.
Freak is back! He can be seen on CN Friday nights at 11:30pm, and Saturday afternoons at 1:30pm. Here's the CN address if you would like to suggest they create new episodes! (Just remember to be polite).
The Cartoon Network
1050 Techwood Dr. NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
*Pics, sounds, and videos courtesy of the WB site on AOL.
If you want to contact me for any reason, drop me an email at: koshka08@ix.netcom.com OR Detroitr14@aol.com or scroll down and sign my guestbook!
Links to other Freakazoid sites
The Hall of Freakmobiles -- a good text based
site with a plethora of information about the show (including an Episode Guide and a Cultural Reference Guide).
D.E.X.T.E.R. -- The Save Freakazoid FAQ. Includes info about what Freakazoid fans can do to help keep the show alive, as well as letter-writing tips.
The Freakalair -- a great Freakazoid site with lots of info, links, pics, and sounds...it makes my site look really lame.
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This Freakazoid Web Ring is owned by Jennifer Bridges
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You are Freakaphile #:
to visit my page since 6/28/98
Last updated: Dec. 17, 1998
Freakazoid! is copyright Warner Bros...I am in no way associated with Warner Bros...this is
simply a fan page.
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